FULLY FIT by Julia Hale Fitness



Custom training and nutrition, steady support and time-tested strategies for women who want more.


How many times have you crushed it all week long only to hit a wall on Friday and feel your will-power dissipate into what feels like a hard-earned weekend of letting loose?

How many times have you thought "I'll just start again on Monday"?

For a lot of women, the idea of getting in shape evokes deeply ingrained doubts:

"Now's not the right time"
"I've tried everything. Nothing works for me"

"I don't want to give up my social life"

"This is gonna suck"

I hear you.

And I'm going to ask you...

If not now...when?

A whole new, whole YOU approach to fitness and health.

Fully Fit is a comprehensive, all-encompassing approach with personalized exercise, nutrition and lifestyle programming. I'll provide you with the tools, knowledge and support you need to create the life and body you want. 

Here's how it works...


Meet your trainer (me!), get focused on your goals, outline the challenges and start putting the pieces in place.


24/7 access to your training calendar, daily workouts, nutrition plan, tracking and trainer messaging.


I'll help you make the necessary changes and stay on track so that you get the life-changing results you dream about.

I grew up an athlete. Gymnastics, horseback riding, volleyball. Exercise made me feel strong. Capable. Confident. My teams and coaches made me feel like I was apart of something - I was never alone, never without guidance.

But when I left home for college I really struggled. I felt really lost and alone. I tried to fill in the gaps with the one thing that had always made me feel powerful: fitness.

I downloaded every "get shredded" exercise program I could find. My gym bag was filled with folders of low-calorie recipes and fat-burner supplements. What started out as a well-intended hobby turned into a years-long battle with an eating disorder, self-confidence issues and doubt.

For years I felt frustrated, overwhelmed and incredibly lost. So I started to learn. And it changed my life.

I didn't go to college to become a fitness coach. I became a fitness coach later, when passion proved stronger than paycheck and I felt like I really knew enough - had lived enough and practiced enough and tested enough - to be able to actually help other women who were struggling like I did.

Now, after a decade in the industry, my mission is absolutely clear to me: to empower you live your strongest, healthiest and most confident life. I founded Julia Hale Fitness because I want to offer you the kind of fully supported coaching that I so badly wanted and needed years ago.

You deserve to feel like you've got this. And I want to help.

Formula for Success:

Train specifically to reach your goals.

Get off the "on-again, off-again" Pinterest program hopping cycle that leaves you disappointed after weeks of work. Learn how to build the physique you want and move your body your long-term health and well-being.

Eat to give your body the nutrients that it needs to thrive.

A healthy diet does not automatically mean a low calorie diet. When you fuel yourself well and make choices according to what your body needs, quality has more power than quantity.

I'll teach you how (and what, and why) to create balance when it comes to your diet. I'll help you eat to reach your fitness goals without giving up the social life you love.

Incorporate wellness and lifestyle practices to take your fitness to the next level.

Hormone balance. Stress management. Time management. Sleep. Recovery. These are the Unsung Heroes of a life-changing fitness program.

Learn how to optimize your wellness routine and the daily patterns of life to reach your goals faster and maintain them longer.

Build the healthy habits of long-term success.

Will-power is not the secret sauce. You won't always feel motivated to take action. Hoping for the best in the moment isn't want goals body's are made of.

I believe in habit-based coaching. Not a set of rules. But a set of actions that become routines that become a lifestyle. HABITS are the real secret sauce of success.

Close your eyes and envision your fittest self.

Now open your eyes. Let's get to work.

"I saw results almost immediately! This program was TOUGH but if you're willing to put in the hard work, it's so worth it! The program is so well-rounded and the perfect recipe for success!

Meg B.

"I feel great! My pants are already fitting better and I'm already feeling stronger. Love how you change up the workouts - it keeps it interesting and exciting."

Rachel S.

"I am feeling great! Very motivated. When I started the program I felt seriously fatigues all the time, it's crazy to feel the change in energy levels as my diet has shifted."

Tea S.

"I've not only transformed my body but my way of thinking about my physical health. Her coaching has been the perfect guide...with Julia's help I've lost fat, gained muscle, and increased my flexibility. She is amazing!"

Alex C.

Let me ask you something...

Do you focus more on the goal or the system?

Most people focus on the goal:

Lose the weight.

Win the race.

Fit in the pants.

But what if instead, you focused on the system?

What if instead, you focused on taking action?

Success is in the journey. Confidence is in the day-to-day wins. Growth is in the commitment.

Setting the goal is important. But action is what gets you there.


Fitness, nutrition and lifestyle coaching to build your healthiest,

strongest and most confident self.

Fitness is not one-size-fits-all.

And you're programming shouldn't be either.