STOP beating yourself up over what you think your body should look like or what you should (or should not) be eating.





I didn’t go to college to be a physical therapist. I didn't leave high school knowing that I wanted to be a nutrition coach.  

I DID struggle with an eating disorder that consumed me with guilt, exhaustion, obsession and self-doubt.  

Everyone was surprised when I was diagnosed with anorexia. I was athletic, getting good grades, on the verge of what was supposed to be the best 4 years of my life.

But my reality was completely different. I felt lost in a big city and I struggled with family issues. I was grasping for solid ground and turned to the one thing I felt I had control over: my body.

I worked out obsessively, counted calories and cut out fats and carbs. I spiraled out of control.

I was consumed with the number on the scale. My self-worth relied completely on how many calories I ate in a day and what pant size I was wearing.

You should know...  

I get it. I get where you are coming from because I’ve been there.  

I’ve cried over a cheese burger. I’ve felt guilty about 8 french fries. I’ve dreaded what the scale read. I've been 100% positive I'll feel horrible about myself no matter what the scale says, and stepped on anyways.  

I lost a lot of time, a lot of laughter, a lot of LIFE thinking about calories and allowing my self-worth to be affirmed by a number on the scale.  

It didn’t happen in a day. It didn’t happen in a year. But it happened. I was just a girl who’d lost her way and needed someone to tell her “the fight is worth it…YOU are worth it…and I can help”.

Which is why I’m here now, telling you it’s worth it. YOU are worth it.  

To date, I’ve worked with women from Massachusetts to Hawaii, Vermont to California. I’ve worked with women just like you - women who have goals for their bodies, who want to feel strong and confident, who want to find a way to make healthy eating work for THEIR lives (kale smoothies AND rose, apple pie and protein shakes!).  

I’ll be with you every step of the way as you transform your body, your current eating habits and your mindset so that you feel strong, powerful, on track and in control.  

Which is why I'm so excited to share this with you...  


A 12-week, total body coaching program and tool kit to help you lose weight, build strength and find a style of healthy eating and healthy living that feels natural and powerful. It's built around 3 pillars: exercise, nutrition and ultimately, your happiness.  

We'll work together to come up with a workout schedule and fitness plan that will help you reach your goals for your body and leave you feeling stronger, more energized and ready to take on the world. Will you lose weight? Yes? Will you get stronger? Yes. Will you see results? YES. Your goals are personal, and so is your plan. 

This isn't a meal plan - instead, you'll learn how to build healthy, balanced eating habits that will support your current goals and stick with you for life. No more on-and-off the wagon. No more agonizing over every calorie. You'll focus on good food that is good for you.

What's your WHY? Your why is the driving force behind the transformation that happens between where you are today, and where you want to be tomorrow. You'll hit "reset" on the diet rules, the guilt and the negative self-talk and turn your focus on the ultimate goals: acceptance, self-love, health and happiness in life.


1st up: your strategy session. We’ll talk fitness and nutrition goals, your starting point, preferences, and challenges.

You'll get some homework so that you can take immediate action towards your goals.

Expect to feel excited, nervous and ready to rock 'n roll.  


Next, your plan will take form. Your body and your goals are unique, and your program will be too.

Every week you'll kow exactly what the plan is. You'll focus on specific aspects of the pillars above: fitness, nutrition and happiness, finding the total body connection that links them to build your fittest, most confident self.


On Day 1, you’ll get an invite to join the Transformation Club, my private group on FB. You'll find yourself in an inspiring world of motivated, strong women, just like you. Consider it your comfort zone for all things fitness.

You’ll get life-time access to workouts, recipes, pop-up challenges, exclusive coach check-ins and ongoing support.  


Start to finish, we're in this together. We’ll schedule weekly check-ins, weekly recaps, daily consistency tracking, lessons, worksheets, and more. 

I'll push you to test your boundaries. I'll support you so that every time we get off the phone, you'll feel ready and motivated to take on the day. 

Julia is an amazing trainer; she truly gives me the tools and motivation I need to stay in shape. She encompasses everything about a healthy lifestyle, from physical training, to eating habits and tools I can use for growth that actually work for me… she is always working to find ways to make this healthy lifestyle sustainable. The Trainerize app helps her to track my progress when she is not physically with me, and allows me to work out on my own time with my crazy schedule. I love the workouts she inputs into the app for me, and it is incredibly easy to use and a great tool for me personally while I’m at the gym to keep track of what I need to do. Julia is incredibly motivated and always goes above and beyond to get me to stay in shape, she’s the best!  

Kristie A.

I started looking for a coach for a few reasons – I wanted someone who could motivate me, I needed someone to teach me how to lift and someone to coach me on nutrition. As I started to get a bit older, I felt I needed the strength training to keep me strong and fit, and had also heard it burns calories longer and could rev my metabolism, which I felt had crashed and burned over the past few years. I found Julia on Front Porch forum and came to her studio to meet for the first time. Her enthusiasm was infectious and I felt I could relate with her in so many areas – we just connected really well. Until she started making me workout – then I knew she was all business. Seriously, she keeps the workouts challenging, but fun. She makes me feel really good about what I am accomplishing and tracks my progress weekly. I never thought I would enjoy lifting, but she has designed workouts for me to take on the road when I travel as well as to do at home and I find myself actually doing them and mostly liking them. Julia is keeping me motivated and accountable – two things I can easily fall off the wagon. My biggest challenge besides knowing how to lift, was literally walking away from the scale and focusing my progress on my accomplishments with eating healthier choices, becoming more aware of my hunger and focusing on the strength I was gaining. I notice my clothes are fitting better and I really do feel better. I have already recommended Julia and would continue to do so – she is the best coach I have ever worked with and I have had my share. 😊. She has given me so many insightful tips on eating, working out, vacationing without guilt – I feel like I have finally turned the corner. Thanks Julia! XOXO

Imagine waking up every morning feeling stronger than you felt yesterday and having more energy to conquer the day than you did before.  

Imagine eating without feeling guilty about your choices. When you start to focus on nurturing your body rather than restricting it, you open up a world of food freedom and confidence.

This system will build a solid foundation of healthy habits and skills that will help you reach your fitness goals now, and forever.  

12-week Workout Calendar and Customized Exercise Program  

Step-by-step Healthy Eating and Real Life Nutrition Modules and Lessons  

Accountability Coach Calls and Check Ins  

#FitSelf Tool Kit: Worksheets, lessons, printables and tools (knowledge is power)  

There are limited VIP Coaching spots available as I want you to get the attention, dedication and support you deserve throughout this process. Click the APPLY NOW button to book a fitness strategy call with Julia to see if VIP coaching is right for you. 


*Please only book a strategy call if you are serious about taking your fitness, your health and your abilities to the next level.  

This is a lot to read so if you skipped to the bottom, know THIS:

If you are tired of trying every fitness and diet trends out there and not seeing results... 

If you want to figure out how to look great and feel great without being stressed, overwhelmed or confused....  

If you need a Real Life approach to healthy living (drink your green smoothie and eat your birthday cake, too)!  

If you are motivated and ready to put in work to build the body and the healthy lifestyle you dream about when your head hits the pillow at night... 

Online Fitness Coaching through this VIP program is right for you.  

Apply now to hop on a Strategy Session and see if training together is right for you.


What do I do after my 12-week VIP Program is up? Don’t worry, I’m not disappearing after 12 weeks! Consider this your launching pad - after the VIP Program is up, you have the option to sign up for on-going monthly coaching after that.  

What if I don’t have access to a gym? Every program is designed from scratch so if you don’t have access to a gym or you have limited access to equipment, your program will be designed around what you’ve got.  

Will you give me a meal plan? Where as detailed, strict meal plans have a time and place, this program isn’t it. Instead, we’ll create a solid, healthy eating foundation and build upon that structure. You’ll get the tools you need to make decisions in real life without confusion, doubt or guilt.  

How does online personal training work?? You’ve seen personal trainers at the gym. You’ve heard of smartphone apps and workout trackers. Consider online personal training the best of both worlds. You get the 1-on-1 attention, expertise and accountability of a personal trainer without the hassle of scheduling appointments, or the expensive fee paid by the hour. You’ll find (and track) your workouts, how-to videos and updates in Trainerize, an online (and in-app) training portal in your pocket. You’ll have your workouts, your calendar, your workout journal and your coach all in one place, all the time.  

I’ve never been able to stick with it before...why will this time be different? I know you’ve tried the diet trends before. I know there are thousands of fat loss workouts and running programs and 12-week get-fit workouts online.  

But this time, the nutrition plan, the workout program, the healthy lifestyle RESET, is about YOU.  

Your program is just that, YOURS. VIP Coaching is about making fitness work for YOU, because that’s the only way you’ll work for it.  

I’m here for you. Every squat, every meal-prepped breakfast, every 10,000th step, I’m with you.